A Intrigue foi um exercício de estética da Sheaffer através do aproveitamento de características de alguns dos seus modelos pré-existentes.
Materiais – A caneta, à excepção da ponteira, é totalmente metálica, com o aparo de ouro. Aparenta ser uma caneta sólida e resistente a amolgadelas. No entanto, o lacado do corpo e tampa não são muito resistentes, desgastando-se e desprendendo-se nas zonas de maior fricção. 16/20
Materials – This pen, except for the section is all made of metal, with a golden nib. It looks to be resistant to dings. However, the lacquer applied on the body and cap is not that resistant and wears off in the areas of most friction between parts. 16/20
Aparo – O aparo
de ouro tem o formato característico do aparo da “Pen for Men” da marca,
encontrando-se incrustado na ponteira. O aparo F é realmente fino, tendendo
para o extrafino. Esta espessura de aparo e a relação entre o alimentador e
aparo não são as ideais, tornando-se o fluxo de tinta algo irregular. Nada de
muito relevante no utilizador ocasional mas um pouco mais incomodativo para o
utilizador habitual que escreva durante longos períodos. 13/20
Nib – The gold nib has the same shape as the characteristic Sheaffer’s “Pen for Men” nib, inlaid into the section. The F nib is really fine, almost an extra-fine. This nib grade and the relation between nib and feed are not ideal producing an irregular ink flow. This is not too bad for an occasional user but it not at all comfortable for the regular user who writes for long periods of time. 13/20
Nib – The gold nib has the same shape as the characteristic Sheaffer’s “Pen for Men” nib, inlaid into the section. The F nib is really fine, almost an extra-fine. This nib grade and the relation between nib and feed are not ideal producing an irregular ink flow. This is not too bad for an occasional user but it not at all comfortable for the regular user who writes for long periods of time. 13/20
Pormenores – O sistema
de enchimento muito particular e o contraste entre as zonas de metal lacado
mate e brilhante. 19/20
Details – The filling system is very unique and the contrast between areas of shiny and matte lacquered metal. 19/20
Details – The filling system is very unique and the contrast between areas of shiny and matte lacquered metal. 19/20
Sistema de enchimento
– Conversor ou cartucho de tinta. Tanto o conversor como o cartucho são
colocados num sistema de calha que desliza para o interior do corpo a partir
da sua extremidade posterior. O conversor é alimentado com a caneta totalmente
montada, a partir de uma pequena rosca na extremidade do corpo, à semelhança
das canetas com enchimento por pistão. 20/20
Filling System – This pen is filled through an ink cartridge or converter. Te converter or the ink cartridge are placed in a slot that slides inside de body through it’s end. The converter is filled with the open completely assembled, unscrewing a small thread, as with the pens with piston-filling system, 20/20
Filling System – This pen is filled through an ink cartridge or converter. Te converter or the ink cartridge are placed in a slot that slides inside de body through it’s end. The converter is filled with the open completely assembled, unscrewing a small thread, as with the pens with piston-filling system, 20/20
Conforto na escrita –
Caneta confortável apesar de pesada. Adaptar-se-ia melhor à mão se fosse um
pouco mais longa, mas esta questão resolve-se com a colocação da tampa na
extremidade do corpo durante a escrita. O desempenho irregular do aparo torna o
processo de escrita um pouco mais cansativo do que seria de esperar. 17/20
Comfort when writing – Although heavy, this is a very well balanced pen. It would better fit in the hand if it was longer but this issue is solved by posting the cap while writing. The irregular performance of the nib makes the writing process harder than expected. 17/20
Comfort when writing – Although heavy, this is a very well balanced pen. It would better fit in the hand if it was longer but this issue is solved by posting the cap while writing. The irregular performance of the nib makes the writing process harder than expected. 17/20
Design – Esta é uma
caneta particularmente bonita. A escolha das cores, dos contrastes entre as
zonas brilhantes ou mate, o encaixe pouco habitual entre a tampa e o corpo (não
se trata da habitual secção redonda transversal mas oval) e o aparo incorporado
na ponteira fazem desta caneta um objecto de escrita adequado para qualquer
situação. 20/20
Design – This is a beautiful pen. The colour choice, the contrast between shiny and matte parts, the unusual fit between the cap and body and the inlaid nib make this pen a writing object suitable for every occasion. 20/20
Design – This is a beautiful pen. The colour choice, the contrast between shiny and matte parts, the unusual fit between the cap and body and the inlaid nib make this pen a writing object suitable for every occasion. 20/20
Preço – Antes de
ser descontinuada, o preço desta caneta rondava os 150€. Embora seja um valor
adequado para a gama a que esta caneta pertence é um pouco elevado para o
desempenho que apresenta. 16/20
Price – Before it was discontinued its price was about 150 €. Although this is an acceptable price for its range, it is too expensive for the writing performance. 16/20
Price – Before it was discontinued its price was about 150 €. Although this is an acceptable price for its range, it is too expensive for the writing performance. 16/20
Apreciação final –
Um objecto de escrita admirável em termos de design, de particularidades
técnicas e de conforto mas que apresenta um desempenho de escrita que, não sendo mau, não é condizente com as suas restantes características. 17/20
Overall comment – This pen has a remarkable design and unique technical features but its performance is not up to those characteristics. 17/20
Overall comment – This pen has a remarkable design and unique technical features but its performance is not up to those characteristics. 17/20
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More reviews can be found on our pen review index.
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